Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapist in Riverdale, UT
An EMDR therapist specializes in helping clients process and heal from trauma by guiding them through a structured therapy that uses eye movements to reprocess distressing memories. This evidence-based approach is particularly effective for those suffering from PTSD, anxiety, and other trauma-related conditions. Our team at Gold Counseling offers EMDR therapy. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 5129 S 1500 W, Riverdale, UT 84405

Table of Contents:
How will I know if EMDR is working for me?
What should I do to prepare for EMDR sessions?
What happens if EMDR doesn’t work for me?
How does EMDR address the root cause of trauma?
At Gold Counseling, we are dedicated to offering a variety of psychological treatments, including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). This therapeutic technique is designed to help individuals heal from trauma and resolve emotional distress.
It’s important to recognize the signs that EMDR is progressing effectively. One of the most critical indicators of its effectiveness is a noticeable reduction in the intensity of your traumatic memories or distressing thoughts. As your therapy progresses you may find that you are no longer plagued by the same level of discomfort or emotional upheaval when you recall past traumatic events.
Another sign of effective EMDR therapy is changes in your self-perception. Our aim is to help you develop healthier, more positive self-beliefs. As your therapy progresses, you may notice an improvement in your self-esteem, indicating the effectiveness of the treatment.
Moreover, as EMDR reduces the emotional stress caused by trauma, you may notice a decrease in your physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, or insomnia. This could indicate that your EMDR therapy at Gold Counseling is working for you.
EMDR therapy can also enhance cognitive function, and you may notice improved clarity in thinking, increased ability to focus and concentrate, and an understanding of your own emotions, thoughts, and motivations.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is one of the many services offered at Gold Counseling, a multi-disciplinary medical practice. If you’re considering this therapy, it’s essential to prepare properly to enhance the treatment’s effectiveness and ensure a smooth journey.
Understand the Process:
We guide you through the eight phases of EMDR treatment: history-taking, preparation, assessment, desensitization, installation, body scan, closure, and reevaluation. This knowledge will help reduce anxiety and foster a positive mindset towards the therapy.
Prepare Physically:
We advocate for overall wellness, including physical health. Ensure you get adequate sleep before each session, eat a balanced meal to maintain energy levels, and avoid substances that might interfere with the therapy’s effectiveness.
Identify Your Targets:
Reflect on the specific traumatic memories or distressing experiences you wish to address during your EMDR sessions. Identify the emotions, sensations, and beliefs associated with these events.
Mental Preparation:
Our team emphasizes the importance of being ready to confront and process potentially distressing memories or experiences. We’ll teach you grounding techniques such as deep breathing exercises or sensory grounding strategies to manage any emotional distress that may arise during sessions.
Establish a Safe and Supportive Environment:
Gold Counseling offers a private, comfortable space for your therapy. We also encourage you to surround yourself with a strong support network of friends, family, or a group that can provide emotional support and encouragement outside of therapy sessions.
Set Realistic Expectations:
EMDR can be an emotionally intensive experience. We help you set realistic expectations for the pace and progress of therapy, and we advise you to avoid pressuring yourself or rushing through the process.
Open Communication:
Our therapists are always ready to listen. If you have concerns, fears, or questions about the treatment, we encourage open communication. We’re here to support you and help make the process as comfortable and effective as possible.
By following these steps, you can prepare yourself for EMDR sessions and increase the likelihood of a positive outcome at Gold Counseling.”
At Gold Counseling Center, we understand that individuals heal differently and may respond uniquely to various therapeutic approaches. If you’re considering Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, remember that its effectiveness can hinge on numerous factors, including the nature and severity of your condition, your overall health, and your willingness to engage in the therapy process.
Despite its potential benefits, EMDR may not yield significant changes for everyone. However, it’s crucial not to lose hope or deem your symptoms too severe. Our experienced therapists can explore other treatment options with you that might be more effective.
Sometimes, your symptoms might not be trauma-based, making EMDR less effective. Alternatively, you might not respond well to the specific techniques used in EMDR. Psychotherapy can be challenging, and it may take time to see results.
If you’re considering stopping EMDR therapy or any other form of therapy, we encourage you to discuss this with your therapist. Our team is here to evaluate your progress and decide on the best course of action. Remember, seeking help is the first step towards recovery, and at Gold Counseling Center, you have a multitude of treatment options available to you.
We understand the profound impact that traumatic experiences can have on an individual’s life. Trauma can disrupt the normal processing of memories and emotions, leading to psychological and physical symptoms that can be debilitating. That is why we offer Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, a unique form of psychotherapy that targets the root cause of trauma.
EMDR therapy aims to enable people to heal from the emotional distress resulting from traumatic life experiences. We understand that these unprocessed memories and emotions associated with the traumatic event can remain fragmented and stored in the brain in a disconnected way. This interruption in the brain’s normal processing can cause disturbing thoughts, images, and emotions associated with the trauma to persist.
Our EMDR therapy helps address these issues by enabling the brain to resume its natural healing process. This is achieved through bilateral stimulation, often in the form of eye movements, which stimulates the brain’s information-processing system. This promotes communication and integration between different hemispheres of the brain and helps it naturally resolve the traumatic memory.
Unlike traditional talk therapy that focuses on the conscious mind, EMDR works with the unconscious mind where traumatic memories are often stored. This approach allows for a deeper level of processing, leading to a more thorough resolution of the traumatic material.
At Gold Counseling, we are committed to helping you effectively process and resolve traumatic memories through EMDR. By alleviating the distress associated with these memories, we aim to help you live a healthier, more fulfilling life. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We serve patients from Riverdale UT, Washington Terrace UT, Clinton UT, Kaysville UT, Clearfield UT, Farmington UT, Draper UT, Riverton UT, Sandy UT, St. George UT, Bloomington UT, Santa Clara, UT, and surrounding areas.

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Relationship Counselling
▸ Couples Counselling
▸ Individual Therapy
▸ EMDR Therapy
▸ Spiritual Healing
▸ Disordered Eating
▸ LGBTQIA+ Therapy
▸ Group Psychotherapy
▸ Life Coaching Therapist
▸ Depression Treatment
▸ Mental Health Clinic
▸ Life Transition Therapy
▸ Telehealth Counseling
▸ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
▸ Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT)