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Seasonal Mood Changes

Seasonal Mood Changes Treatment Q&A

Many people have brief episodes of sadness or feeling unlike themselves. These mood swings might occasionally start and stop with the changing of the seasons. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at certain times of the year. The symptoms of SAD are the same as those of depression. If you are experiencing these symptoms, please meet our team. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Riverdale, Kaysville, Draper, and St. George UT.

Seasonal Mood Changes Treatment Near Me in St. George, Riverdale, Kaysville, and Draper UT
Seasonal Mood Changes Treatment Near Me in St. George, Riverdale, Kaysville, and Draper UT

Table of Contents:

What are seasonal mood changes?
How does this typically impact people?
I’m experiencing this… how can I help myself?
What if that’s not enough?

As we exist in these gray months of January and February, it can feel like a never ending winter, and in turn, a never ending low mood. If you relate to this, you may be struggling with seasonal mood changes.

What are seasonal mood changes?

You may have heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in the past. With the newest update to the diagnostic manual many clinicians utilize, it is now categorized as Major Depressive Disorder with seasonal changes. This diagnosis presents primarily with depressive symptoms, especially in a cycle with certain times of the year- like winter!

How does this typically impact people?

People who are experiencing seasonal mood changes often feel a low mood beginning in late fall or early winter, and this feeling continues through the season but then tends to dissipate as we enter spring and summer. Individuals may also struggle with low motivation, increased isolation/social withdrawal, and increased fatigue.

I’m experiencing this… how can I help myself?

There are a lot of tools at our disposal that can help with seasonal mood changes:

• Sunlamp
• Finding winter activities you enjoy
• Possibly take a vitamin D supplement (consult first with your physician)
• If feasible, take a vacation to a warmer climate
• Manage stress
• Move your body

What if that’s not enough?

This might be a good indicator that it may be helpful for you to seek help from a licensed professional. If the things you’re doing at home to try and take care of yourself in these seasonal mood changes doesn’t seem like it’s helping or helping enough, Talk Therapy, particularly a type of therapy called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, has led to progress, increased ability to cope, and a decrease in intensity of symptoms. This could also be a good time to potentially talk to your physician about medications.

If you feel you’re struggling with seasonal mood changes, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Gold Counseling. We have a number of therapists who are ready to assist you. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We serve patients from Riverdale UT, Washington Terrace UT, Clinton UT, Kaysville UT, Clearfield UT, Farmington UT, Draper UT, Riverton UT, Sandy UT, St. George UT, Bloomington UT, Santa Clara UT, and surrounding areas.

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